If you are using Amazon Associates, eBay Partner Network or any other affiliate program to monetize you blog/site, I've just launched a free service to help us make more money.
The service lets you display different ads according to the country of origin of your visitors. It is self hosted and it is as simple to use as Google Analytics. There is only a JavaScript snippet to include in your pages!
The service is called "Localized Ads Service" and it is designed to add geo-targeting (or location targeting) to existing affiliate programs.
Unlike other scripts or plugins found on the Internet, the service is free and you remain in complete control of your ads.
How it works
The service is very easy to set up and use. All you have to do is to add a JavaScript snippet in your page and you're good to go. No Wordpress plugin, to code to compile server side, etc. All you have to do is to log in into the service and start creating some ads. You then define for every Country of your choice, what the ads should display in these Countries. Then on your blog you insert an HTML snippet that serves as a placeholder for an ad. The remaining is done automagically by the service. The proper version of your ads will be displayed according to the Country of your visitors:

There's more details on the service homepage. The JavaScript to include in your pages weights approximately 1k!
Using the service
I've tested the service on my own blog and it is very efficient. It is hosted in the Google's cloud (App Engine) and it is written in Java and JavaScript.
You can start using my Localized Ads Service for free today!
Don't hesitate to leave a comment or any suggestion below!
Hi Mike,
I just tested the localized ad service that you are offering and it's a great service. The only real problem that I see is that if I make a mistake, or wish to alter one of the ads, I can't. Once created, they can't be revisited, or even simply listed. I have to remember each set of ads that I created.
Is it supposed to be this way, or should I be able to see these after creation?
Thanks for a service with great potential (and free too), but I'm not sure that I can really use it properly with this current limitation.
Hi iZm! Thank you for trying out the service.
You can re-edit existing ads in the "Ads Management" section (http://las.mikecouturier.com/account/ads-management).
You can click an existing ad to edit it and save it again.
I'm in the process of revamping the UI since my proof of concept is working and stable.
I hope to deliver the new UI soon.
In the mean time, I've tried to edit an ad and it seems to be working fine.
Don't hesitate if there is anything else...
Hi Mike,
Doh! I feel such a fool. I was using my wifes laptop with Adblock Plus on which was blocking me from seeing the list. I just checked on my computer and there they are. Thanks.
Great service. Is this proprietary, or is the code available to see somewhere?
No problem!
The service is not open source unfortunately but you can pretty guess how it works by looking at the JavaScript.
It runs on the Google App Engine Cloud so it is a high-availability platform. It also scales transparently and automatically according to the demand.
Maybe it would be a great idea to make this thing open source, anyone could install this for their own websites and stay in the free-zone with Google App Engine.
I'll think about it.
In the mean time, don't hesitate to take a look at the current platform.
Mike, great idea for an app, but the code doesn't appear to be working on my site. It will load text placed in the localized ads, but nothing inside the script tags will load on the page. Any ideas?
I'll have a look. So basically you're saying that scripts tags inside your ads are not executed?
I'll get back to you and check this out...
I think you're right, scripts are not executed in the ads so this might be the reason. I'll work on a solution this week and get back to you :)
I have been looking for a script as this for quite a while. Awesome, thanks man. Please tell me your script is here for the long run. I just registered with yours.
Yes I'm using it right here! I'll even update it in a few days thank you very much!
Cool. I am yet to start making money off my ads. But once I do this - in a month or two - I promise to donate you a monthly share for your great work. Thanks.
Hi Mike
I love this idea! However, I can't get this to execute on my site -- the ads simply don't appear. I've added the loader key script in the body section of the page and the "div" ad code where I want the ads to appear but nothing appears. I am trying it with AU/FR/UK/US/CA Ebay Partner network. Page is here: http://www.newwavefilm.com/images/brigitte-bardot-gallery/slides/brigitte-bardot-001.html
many thanks!
I'll have a look as soon as I have a break at work, thanks for trying this out, we'll make it work for you.
Thanks Mike. I am really excited about it!
Any luck so far...?
I'm on a thread right now, stay tuned :)
thanks - will keep checking back!
... just checking back.
Mike, great resource but I use WP exclusively and have no idea how to implement this as its not a plugin. Could you point me to a resource or outsource solution.
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