Monday, September 13, 2010

Nexus One in Canada - APN settings for 3G with Videotron

I've managed to get the APN and MMS settings for Videotron Mobile.

Here's my story...

Videotron APN Settings


Some of you already know that I have a Nexus One in Canada.
(T-Mobile AWS 900/1700/2100, model 99HKE002-00)

I was with Rogers since they were the only compatible network in my region (Montreal).

Then I saw a tv spot that Videotron came out with a 1700/2100 3G AWS Network with unlimited calls!

I walked in a Videotron store today (sept 13 2010) with my own unlocked Nexus One. Put a SIM in it and voilĂ , it is working fine (the voice at least).

The only thing I needed for the 3G to work was the APN settings. After calling twice and lots of wasted time, I was told that I can't have those settings because it was not their phone (not their phone = no support).

After threatening to leave their mobile network along with the other 2 services I had with them (tv + internet), I hung up.

The guy called back to give me the APN settings :D So here they are if you need them:

apn: media.videotron
port: 8080
mms proxy:
mms port: 8080
mcc: 302
mnc: 500

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See ya


Ali K said...

Thanks a lot man. You saved me another lengthy call to the Videotron customer service.

I have a Sony Ericsson x10i and I had the same problem. I called customer service and was put on hold for half an hour before someone told me they could not send me the settings because there was a "command holding". Whatever that means.

I hope this is only because it is a new network and they are just ironing things out. I am pretty much stuck with them because they are the only 3G network in Quebec compatible with my phone.

Here's hoping your blog gets at the top of google's search results for "Videotron APN"

Unknown said...

I feel you man and if it helped you it made my day. I couldn't find those settings anywhere on the net and it seems I was the only one who knew what APN was (when talking to them).

- "Just take any phone and give me those"
- "We don't have any phones"

I hope I rank high to help others find the Videotron APN settings, as you said


Anonymous Avatar Anonymous said...

Hey Mike, thank you for sharing. I am about to get into Videotron's services and I know a few people with compatible devices that will like to read this.

One of my colleagues passed APN settings info about Videotron but he's had trouble.

Please come by and join our Google Group here:

We posted a file with other networks APN settings there too.

Unknown said...

Hi and thanks! I applied yesterday but my membership is still pending :(

Anonymous Avatar Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this information. I was able to register my T-Mobile Nexus One on the new Videotron 3G network with your APN settings!

Thanks for saving me an annoying customer service phone call!

Vincent said...

Good Job Mike!

Does that mean that we can have any Android on Videotron?(that handle the 1700/2100 3G AWS) Because the phone they are selling is not the most recent ones and if I buy one, I don't want the old thing, I want the brand new one!

Ali K said...

Hi. It's me again.
I've just got a weird phone call from videotron saying that because I am not using one of their phones, my SIM card will be deactivated.

I checked their website and it says that I can use any compatible device, and their salesman said the same thing when I first subscribed.

What is that all about?

Unknown said...

I don't know and I wasn't contacted.. this is ridiculous. What phone are you using? !

Ali K said...

I am using the Sony Ericsson Xperia X10i(AWS version). I sent an email to their customer service to try and make sense of this. No reply so far.

Unknown said...

Maybe I didn't received such a call because I have a t-mobile Nexus One.. the same they have...

Good luck and keep us informed :)

Ali K said...

I got a reply from videotron today. They are denying to have made that call: "there is no record of a call placed by Videotron concerning your mobile handset."
"... any phone that is compatible with our network, and supports the frequencies used, can be activated on the mobile service."..."There is no need for you to replace it or purchase one from Videotron."

That seems odd. Why would anyone call to tell me that if he wasn't from videotron? and how would he get my number?

Anonymous Avatar Anonymous said...

I really appreciate your help Mike.
Really save us a call to customer service.

Anonymous Avatar Anonymous said...

3 years later, still usefull!!

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